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Broomhill Junior School

Broomhill Junior School

To Care, Challenge and Inspire

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Our aim is to provide children with the skills to communicate effectively and confidently through reading, writing, speaking and listening, in order to become confident communicators and justify opinions to produce responsible choice makers of the future. Children’s mathematical education involves the exploration of all four number operations and lots of opportunity to use problem solving skills in real life situations. We aim to stimulate and encourage all children to be independent thinkers, problem solvers and adaptable lifelong learners.

Homework gives children further ‘opportunity to explore learning in an unstructured setting, encouraging them to be independent and follow their own lines of enquiry.’ In addition, homework creates a partnership between school and family, giving parents an insight into what their child is learning.



Children are encouraged to complete the outlined weekly expectations which will help consolidate their learning. The homework set for weekly expectations will match a child’s current learning and reflects findings from the Education Endowment Fund research that states that ‘Short focused tasks or activities which relate directly to what is being taught, and which are built upon in school, are likely to be more effective than regular daily homework.’


Weekly Expectations -   Year 3


Reading to an adult 3 times a week – Recorded in Weekly planner with an award of 3 Dojo’s and a raffle ticket for a prize draw.


Learn spellings.  Spellings will be in planners and on Class Dojo. Scores will be recorded in weekly planners and an award of 3 Dojo’s for all spellings correct, 2 Dojo’s for one incorrect spelling and 1 Dojo for 2 incorrect spellings.


Maths: Complete 1 maths challenge and practise on Times Tables Rock Stars 3 times a week. When complete, adults are asked to write TT in their child’s planner and sign their name. The child will receive a Dojo for every signature.


Weekly Expectations -   Year 4


Reading to an adult or independently 3 times a week – Recorded in Weekly planner and an award of 3 Dojo’s and a raffle ticket for a prize draw.


Learn spellings.  Spellings will be in planners and on Class Dojo. Scores will be recorded in weekly planners and an award of 3 Dojo’s for all spellings correct, 2 Dojo’s for one incorrect spelling and 1 Dojo for 2 incorrect spellings.


Maths complete 1 maths challenge and practise on Times Tables Rock Stars 3 times a week. When complete, adults are asked to write TT in their child’s planner and sign their name. The child will receive a Dojo for every signature.


Weekly Expectations - Years 5 and 6


Reading to an adult or with increasing independence 3 times a week – Recorded in Weekly planner and an award of 3 Dojo’s and a raffle ticket for a prize draw.


Learn spellings. Spellings will be in planners and on Class Dojo.  Scores will be recorded in weekly planners and an award of 3 Dojo’s for all spellings correct, 2 Dojo’s for one incorrect spelling and 1 Dojo for 2 incorrect spellings.


Maths complete 1 maths challenge and practise on Times Tables Rock Stars 3 times a week. When complete, adults are asked to write TT in their child’s planner and sign their name. The child will receive a Dojo for every signature.



In Year 5 the children will also be expected to complete one book review per half term, about a book they would recommend to others.


In Year 6 the amount of homework begins to increase to prepare children for SATs and the transition to secondary school. Additional activities will include maths worksheets, researching a topic, book reviews and grammar exercises.



Optional creative homework is also offered every half term. The choices are listed on Class Dojo. An extra prize draw for children who participate is offered.
