Children's Fun Zone
Lots of fun activities and websites to support children's learning.
Audible stories Audible are now offering children free audio books whilst schools are closed. (hundreds of free books to read on line)
Maths games
- TT Rock stars - you will need your school login
- White Rose Maths Select your year group to view videos and activities to complete
- Maths games- all age maths zone
- Year 1 and 2 Maths games Top marks
- Maths games KS2 top marks
- Numberblocks episodes
- - Welcome to the home of rich Mathematics
English games
- Phonics play- Infant 1 and 2 phonics games Username: march20 password: home
- Phonics and Letter formation - Infant 1 Miss Emma
- English games top marks
- Alphablocks- episodes
- Phonics games- Woodlands literacy zone
- English junior games top marks
- Junior writing prompts Literacy shed
- Pobble365 – writing challenges
- World e-books Wide range of e-books all available free
- (images and questions to inspire writing)
Topic games/ useful websites
- - Free curriculum-mapped videos for your classroom, arranged by subject and age-group; Live Lessons presented by top BBC talent; educational campaigns including Super Movers and Bring the Noise.
- (geography activities)
- Scholastic classroom - infant 1 A different book, video and activity ideas for every day
- Scholastic classroom- infant 2 A different book, video and activity ideas for every day
- Scholastic classroom Junior 1 A different book, video and activity ideas for every day
- Scholastic classroom Junior 2 A different book, video and activity ideas for every day
- Researchify To research any topic!
- Homework help for kids Geography, History, Art and RE useful information
- BBC bitesize - Infants Fun activities and games for every part of the curriculum
- BBC bitesize- Juniors Information and games about all the different subjects we cover at school
- Home learning padlet A padlet with ever growing list of further links
- Rock Steady Music resources
- (lots of projects for all key stages)
- (French games, English games and grammar activities. Use the password LCF2020sch to create a single user account)
Staying active is really important, but harder if you’re having to try and stay away from others here are some websites that might help.
- Joe Wicks Home workouts for kids
- Change 4 life10 minute shake up activities
- Cosmic yoga Home yoga exercises
- Fit kids club Exercise videos currently free (normally on demand)