Transition at Broomhill
Proper transition to a child's new class or school is absolutely vital, so all children can hit the ground running in September. Over the final half term there are a number of activities planned to make all children's transition go as smoothly as possible. We want to reduce any anxieties or worries in the children so that children can focus on their learning from the very beginning of the new term.
Activities include:
For Year 7
Three day transition for Y7 to visit their new comprehensive school
Additional Y7 transition and support to more vulnerable children
Cross key stage work for the children to take into key stage 3
For Years 3, 4 and 5
Meet the teacher day
Additional transition activities for any more vulnerable children
For Year 2
Meet the teacher day
Additional visits to Broomhill
Visits from Broomhill staff to our Infant School
Transition Club. Three additional after school clubs that focus on transition
Year two parent/carer evening
Year 2 open evening
Visits for special events and assemblies